It may be deemed a bit weird (?) but I bought Adagio II and III as a set.
These have the same strong bass tones, but high tones are also there and I think it's the ultimate "Don-Shari" ("don" refers to low-pitched sound and "shari" refers to high-pitched sound).
Thanks to the BAM mechanism, there's a vast sound field, and while it's "don-shari", there's little in the way of pressure when listening.
In addition to dance music such as EDM and Euro beat, you can also enjoy music with punch to it such as rock and pop music.
With III, you can enjoy "don-shari" on the default setting, without using an equalizer or bass boost function. If you listen to a variety of genre, then I recommend III over II.
However, if you're over middle-age, then Heaven II, with its high resolution and moderate bass tones, would be right for you.
Also, with both II and III, the earpieces deteriorate quickly, and after about a year, they easily come out.
Maybe it's because I use larger earpieces, but when I take the earphones out, the earpieces sometimes are left behind in my ears. At such times, I use the new E type earpieces, and they don't come off at all. Sound quality also improves, so I think it's a good idea to change over to the E type when you by the product.
Compared to Heaven V Aging, sound feels small, and it was necessary to turn up the volume.
(male, 40-49 years)
You get hit with low frequencies the likes of which you've never heard before.
I recommend this product to those who enjoy a great deal of volume and low frequencies that emerge right down to the lower bands.
I think there's a lot to be gained from experiencing this product.
However, I felt that the slightly crushed feel over a broad area and the reproduction of nasal sounds were a little weak.
(male, -)